I did this photo shoot back in the fall with The Ludlow Family. With it being close to the holidays I never got around to posting this on my blog... Lazy me! Enjoy the pictures, it was a fun day to do a photo shoot.
A couple of years ago I was cruising around on some blogs that I read every once in a while and one family's blog described going to the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival. Every April, Tulip Town has fields & fields of tulips. There must be millions of tulips and people come from all around the world to see this magnificent view.
Given my strong fascination with flowers, I just had to add it to my bucket list. Never did I imagine that we would be able to make this trip happen so soon. This past April, James & I went to Seattle and Skagit Valley Tulip Festival (about 1.5 hours north of Seattle) and it was amazing.
There is no technology in this world that could capture how beautiful and colorful it was. It was pure magic and standing at the edge of the rows, able to see tulips and bursts of color for as far as you can see, can only make you feel peace and as though you are truly in the presence of God and His wonderful creation.
Hope you enjoy this pictures as much as I do!