Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Photo Challenge: Week 10 - The Coast

due to the fact that i'm hundreds and hundreds of miles away from an actual coast (and oh would i give anything to be sitting on a beach staring at the waves rolling in feeling the ocean's calming presence, but that's besides the point.) i had to settle for the coast button in our car. i had to get creative because the Lord only knows the next time i will be breathing in the salty air and feeling the sand beneath my toes. if i close my eyes i can almost feel it.

Photo Challenge: Week 9 - Sexy

one word: yum!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Photo Challenge: Week 8 - Sunshine

Photo Challenge: Week 7 - Wheels

Photo Challenge: Week 6 - Overcast

sorry, i'm posting a lot of photo challenges in a row. i've been really far behind on taking/posting the pictures. but i'm trying hard to stick with the challenge. no giving up!
anyway, i saw this pasture on the way to my dad's work and i just had to pull over and take some pictures. nothing's more peaceful than farmland with lots of animals. however, there were some cows that looked like they wanted to kill me for takin' their picture. lol!