Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Blog Lovin'

so i thought today i would share some of my favorite blogs that i make sure to read on a daily basis.  i look to these blogs for inspiration for many things. i have not saught out blogs about God but they have just wandered into my path... and for that, i will never complain. but what attracted me about them were their spirit, creativity, willing to talk about things that people don't really like to talk about, & i feel like i could identify with each of them in some way.  lately, i have made it a goal of mine to surround myself with positive people, with happy people, with grateful people, with genuine people.  and that has even extended itself with the blogs i read.  i may not know these women but from what i do know they have heart and they are worth admiring.  maybe you won't connect with their blogs like i do, but if there is a chance that i can spread their positive energy to even one person i think that would be great! soo without further ado (and in no specific order)...

1. Under the Sycamore:

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i love her blog because she is SUPER creative, her house is to die for, she seems like a supermom, but most importantly, she adopted the cutest little girl from China.  and if you know me, you know that has been a dream of mine since i was a little girl.  Ashley, from Under the Sycamore, has opened my eyes to the ups and downs of adoptions, and adopting a little girl with a cleft palette.  reading her story has made me look further into adopting children with special needs and recognizing that shockingly not everyone is ok with having a child with special needs.  for me, that is a little hard to "wrap my brain around" but it's definitely up for discussion in my little family. i don't know what is in store for me or my better half, but it's opened my mind and opened up a new realm of prayer.  i'll let God help us decide if it's right for us. anyway, check out her blog & do yourself a favor & check out her house tour. eye candy to say the least!

alright, let's be serious. if you don't like rainbows, you & i are gonna have trouble being friends.  because i love them. they are happy. they make me happy. and Meg's blog is super happy and lovely and all sunshine and rainbows.  seriously, all rainbows, literally. Meg's blog is the blog you read when you need a pick me up or feel like being inspired. there are always happy things there. she radiates positivity. and i hate mentioning craft weekend, because i don't want to compete with anymore people in getting it but i'm a little too excited to keep it to myself. craft weekend is an artist dream. she has endless amounts of fabric, ribbon, paint, every art supply you could imagine. you pay (a reasonable amount, if you ask me) to go to her farm house and craft ALL WEEKEND, eat amazing food, go antique shopping, and you get a freaking good basket to take home. tell me you are not drooling right now. it is a random draw to get in and i am waiting to be called home. ha! no seriously, i can't wait.  Meg also is an advocate for Africia and helping those in need. She works to get those clean water who need it most. she is not afraid to talk about prayer, and her beliefs in God and I think that is admirable. check out her blog, you won't reget it!

3. Emily's Little World by Emily:
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Emily's blog is just something you can connect with. through her writing you never feel alone. good or bad, happy or sad, she lays it out there like no one else and you realize you've had some of the same thoughts. she's real and authentic. she works hard to be her best and once you dive into her little world you just have to like her because she trys and it shows and she's good, and honest. not forgetting to mention, this girl makes me want to sew. everytime she makes something it is crazy awesome and makes me want to make 10 quilts all at once. her work is beautiful! she has 3 adorable kids and she is an awesome photographer! totally makes me want to steal a baby and take some amazing pictures like she does (ps. totally kidding about the stealing the baby part ha! :)). check out her blog to be inspired and another cool fact, she is from the lou and it doesn't get much better than that!

ok enough for now, more to come. cause i really do love a whole lotta blogs.


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